Saturday, September 24, 2011


Enheduana /En-hedu-Ana/
The earliest female poet, the history  had known, She was the daughter of king Surgeon , in the city of Ur around 2354 B.C

she was the highest priestess in the temple of nana (Akadian moon God) so she was the only one who was able to name a new ruler to the city , more over the temple was a center of sciences  and observation of sky and stars . She hepled  her father to put the empire together by uniforming the worshipping pf Inana all over it. so she was prietess , poet and princess .. played many important-complex  roles in that ancient society  .

references : 

Leon Jerom , the french orientalist painter , had painted Enheduana as one circle of middle east touched chain of paintaings. 
her Iraqi beauty as we see, black lined eyes , black hiar and fair skin  are  tyrant and unbearable. 
the enviromant behinde her is typical for south iraqi regions. 
the ornaments she wears had been given a great deal of care by  Jerom.  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Proserperine & Jane Morris

My analyis : 
1- Ivy , represents eternty, life ,fidelity, love and freind ship, which may stands for the painter's feelings toward Jane( the model) 
2- pomegranate , for fertility or  as seen in the myth it represnts Pluto's  pomegranate from which Proserperine ate only 4 granules leaving six. 
3- her metalicous detailed (blue)  rob was a signal for stability and intelligence. 
4- The grief upon her face my stand for the model's ( Jane morris)- whom Danti Rosseti fell in love with- sadness  as she  was not happy in her marriage with the writer Wiliam Morris.
5- That thing with smoke I can't explain it till now *_* .
6- CERTAINLY, the painting has alot of meaning left , so maybe you help me figure it out :)